Hi, and welcome. This blog has changed a bit recently. My husband and I fought through 4 consecutive losses to get our second healthy child (born in December 2012) . . . and while we had not shut the door on the idea of another pregnancy, we certainly were leaning in that direction. On August 8, 2014, we found out we are pregnant for the 7th time. A total surprise. So the neurotic journey continues . . . third child or fifth loss . . . I'm scared and confused and just a teensy bit excited . . .

Thursday, April 16, 2015


Well I'm not the raging bitch I was yesterday.  Today I'm a sobbing disaster. My hormones are so fucked up right now I can't even stand myself.

I had an appointment yesterday afternoon.  I'm 3cm dilated and very soft.  I was told to do a lot of walking yesterday - that just the combo of the internal exam and walking *could* be enough to put me into early labor.  I walked 3 miles - half of them pushing a stroller.  I contracted a lot and felt like he was for sure going to claw his way out.  And after a night of being up 3 times with my toddler and getting almost no sleep at all, I have cried for most of the day today - as my uterus is as calm as ever.  

Honestly, a repeat c-section that includes a tubal ligation isn't sounding half bad right now.  

Between the hormones and the physical pain I am falling apart.  

Thursday, April 9, 2015


So this has been an awesome week.  Insert sarcastic eyeroll here.

My oldest (who was out of school all last week for Spring Break), was diagnosed with croup on Monday and has been out of school all week.  Doctor said he can go back tomorrow.  So he has been home spreading his germs to the 2 year old.  

Our kitchen is under full remodel right now.  Our new cabinets have been installed (yippee), but our granite is delayed so we have no running water in the kitchen right now and are not sure exactly when we are going to get that back.  Sigh.  Feeding a family of 4 in a kitchen without a working surface and running water is, um, interesting.  Im over it.

And I had my 38 week appointment yesterday.  Sadly, baby boy seems completely comfortable inside.  No signs of labor or even that he is starting to descent into my pelvis.  I won't lie, I cried a lot yesterday.  I'm so done.  I know it's still early to get worked up about the 41.4 c-section date.  I just feel like this kid is going to hang out for the long haul.  And as someone who has never been pregnant for longer than 39.2 (and had a 9lb 10oz baby to show for it), I'm scared.  Terrified.  I could barely walk by 39.1 when my water broke in my first pregnancy.  I have to take care of two kids through the end of this one.  I am reaching the end of my emotional sanity.  (Arguably some people would probably say I already reached it.)  I just fear how many more days I can put one foot in front of the other without a total meltdown.  :(

Monday, April 6, 2015


Well, here we are.  14 days from my due date.  25 days away from "surgical eviction."  On the one hand, I suppose that means the end is in sight.  On the other hand, HOLY SHIT 25 days is almost another month away and 39w1d is the longest I've ever been pregnant (well labor started 39.1, he was born 39.2), and he weighed 9lb 10oz.  The idea of being pregnant for 25 more days makes me want to vomit.  :(

I went for a walk yesterday.  Owwwww.  Just getting my tennis shoes on felt like it was going to put me into labor.  (And wasn't very pleasant for my swollen feet either.)  I walked for about 30 minutes and let me tell you, for a baby who hasn't dropped yet, he beat the shit out of my cervix.  There were times the cervix pain almost took my breath away.  

Not sure how much more walking I will attempt.  

For the 5th night in a row, I was super crampy before bed.  Pretty sure I even had 2-3 real contractions last night.  And now I'm back to "normal."  Full term pregnancy is SUCH a mind game.

38 week appointment is on Wednesday.  Million dollar question - have the internal exam or decline it?  Leaning towards declining it, but we will see . . .

Saturday, April 4, 2015

37w5d and 20lbs

I'm still here.  Still pregnant.  No signs of labor whatsoever.  Baby still riding high.  At the end of the day I feel very crampy (period-like), but I think it's just my body being grumpy about being 36 years old, full term pregnant, and chasing after two other crazy boys all day long.  I've had the evening crampiness 3 nights in a row now and nothing materializes overnight and I feel completely "fine" in the morning.  (Fine being relative of course.)

I feel like I probably have another week (at least) to go.  I'm trying to be patient.  Patience is not something I'm good at.

In other news, I hit the 20lbs weight gain mark.  I was hoping to stay at closer to 15lbs (remember I started overweight), but considering how swollen my feet have gotten in the last 7-10 days I can't say I'm really surprised and if I stay pregnant for another 7-10 days I'll probably gain another 5-10 in water weight pretty easily.  :/

Saturday, March 28, 2015


Do you know what happens when your water spontaneously breaks at 36w2d with your previous pregnancy?  You hit 36w2d in your current pregnancy AND YOU LOSE YOUR MIND.


My first pregnancy got to 39w1d when my water broke.  So with my last pregnancy, I was miserable at 36 weeks, but I was mentally prepared to go at least 3 more weeks.  I was SHOCKED when my water broke early.

Now?  Every day that passes, I'm convinced it *could* happen.  And while,
Of course, it *could,* reality is that 36w2d was probably just a random fluke and I need to get in a mental place where I am prepared to go much closer to 3 more weeks than any day now.

Three weeks is not that long, right?  Ha.  It is going to be the longest 3 weeks of my life.

36 week appointment went well.  (Never got to that appointment last time.)  GBS test was done - should know results soon.  Baby is still head down (and has been for 8 weeks now).  Cervix is 1-2cm dilated and 50% effaced - which doesn't mean much except that I've made a teeny bit of progress that I won't have to make later.

Hemorrhoid surgeon appointment went well too.  I now have weekly appointments with him to "manage" them (between now and delivery) with surgical removal tentatively planned for 12ish weeks post partum.  Managing is not a glamorous process, so I'll leave out the details and just be thankful that the process is managing the pain.

OMG - 3 more weeks. 

Thursday, March 19, 2015


I don't even know where to begin.  Baby is still doing fine.  Mommy, however, is not.  This pregnancy has been one fucked up physical experience after another.  My body is done.  

I can handle the rib kicks (at least he's head down)!  I can handle the leaky boobs that just started (even though I never produced a drop of milk before delivery with my previous two).  I can handle the exhaustion of chasing after two young boys with a fraction of the lung capacity I normally have.  I can handle not sleeping well.  I can even handle the excruciating crotch pain most days.  (Although today was particularly bad, and just lifting my legs high enough to take one or two steps was pretty unbearable.)

These are all just things that come with being 8 months pregnant.  

What is crippling me right now, on top of all the "normal" stuff is a thrombosed hemorrhoid.  Sorry, was that TMI?  If you've never had one, be eternally grateful.  If you have had one, my sympathy goes out to you.  This is not just your ordinary run of the mill hemorrhoid.  Nope.  This is one my midwives want me to see a surgeon about as soon as possible.  So I get to have a GI surgeon dig around in my butt Tuesday.  Happy 36 weeks to me.

Did I mention that I'm done?

It's so hard to reconcile feeling so miserable through this entire pregnancy.  I mean, I lost 4 pregnancies - so a surprise successful pregnancy should be all puppies and rainbows, right?  I should enjoy every second of the last month of pregnancy I will ever have, right?  Nope.  I'm done.  The only way through is to keep putting one foot in front of the other, and somehow even that is literally turning into something that seems almost impossible to do for much longer.

The end is close.  So close.  And yet so very very far.

Friday, March 6, 2015


I don't know what's scarier right now - the idea that my due date is sill 6 weeks and 3 days away, or that Boy 2 was born in 2 weeks and 5 days.  (Holy cow, we are so not ready to have another baby that fast.)

In super awesome amazing news, all of the horrid pain I was having between 28-30 weeks seems to have subsided for now.  Other than not being able to get really comfortable to sleep and having hip pain when I get out of bed in the morning or when I stand after sitting for too long, I physically feel better than I have in several weeks.

Unfortunately, the harsh Winter, way too many snow days off school for Boy 1, and being stuck in our house for too long is wearing on me emotionally.  I'm beyond mental exhaustion at this point.  But next week promises some above freezing temps and hopefully the ability to get out to get some fresh air and sunlight will give me a bit of a refresh.  (I also have a much needed haircut next week.)

I had dinner with a friend last week and both of her boys came before their due dates too (37 and 38 weeks).  We were talking about how hard it is to mentally prepare to go to your due date (or beyond) when your history would indicate that you will probably deliver earlier.  With a 39w1d and a 36w2d delivery, I HAVE to get into the mindset that I could go to 40w.  Or (OMG) 41w4d.  I admit - I can NOT comprehend that.  I'll settle for preparing for 40w.  After that I'll probably just cry a lot.  


Sunday, February 22, 2015

32 weeks

Sorry, I left everyone hanging.  (At this point I assume most readers are friends and get my updates elsewhere.)  Anyway, 31 week ultrasound showed a cervix completely closed and 5cm long.  Yes, that is LONG.  My MFM consult post-ultrasound went remarkably well.  The specialist said it was "absurd" (yes his choice of words) to suggest progesterone supplementation at this point in time for a VBAC candidate with a cervix two times longer than what is considered a normal closed length at this point in pregnancy.  (Anything longer than 2.5cm is considered normal.)

All seems well in baby land too.  Baby boy is measuring large, just like his brothers did.  Assumption is that if he goes to 40 weeks he will be approximately 9lbs.  This doesn't really bother me - my first was 9lb 10oz and came out fine.

No real explanation for my excruciating pain, other than its the third trimester and this little guy is estimated to be 4lb 8oz already.  (And yes, those estimates are notoriously inaccurate.)

Anyway, tomorrow is 32 weeks.  Nothing really to do at this point other than wait out the last 2 months.  Actually there is a lot to do.  We've done nothing to prepare for this baby at all.  NOTHING.  So I guess we better get on that - since if he wants to be like his middle brother, he could be here in 4 weeks . . .

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Paranoia and an ultrasound

There is more backstory here than I care to write about.  LONG story short, the hospital OB I had to meet with to consult about my VBAC wants me to start progesterone to prevent another (possibly earlier) pre-term "labor."  The problem is, I didn't have pre-term labor.  I had pre-term premature rupture of membranes.  No labor.  My midwives and MFM both say that my history does not warrant taking progesterone right now, but MFM wants an ultrasound now just to make sure my cervix is still long and closed.  When my water broke last time at 36 weeks, my cervix was 100% effaced and 2cm dilated.  That doesn't seem significant to me (I've heard tons of stories of people who dilate early and stay pregnant for weeks), but MFM says they want to see what's going on right now.

So that will be Monday morning at 9am (exactly 31 weeks).

In the meantime, I have had excruciating pain in my lower pelvis/cervix/vagina over the last 2 days.  Like have to stop walking and brace myself until the pain is gone.  I wouldn't say the pain is contractions - it definitely doesn't radiate up through my entire uterus.  But I'm concerned.  And relieved to have the ultrasound already scheduled for Monday.  

Saturday, February 7, 2015

30 weeks

Holy crap.  I will be 30 weeks pregnant on Monday.  So dear God, why do I feel 43 weeks pregnant?  I've never even been 40 weeks pregnant . . .

I'm waddling.  My hips and back are in constant pain.  My belly is enormous.  I've only gained 12ish pounds - so that's not the problem.  Ugh.

It's going to be a brutal last 2+ months.