Hi, and welcome. This blog has changed a bit recently. My husband and I fought through 4 consecutive losses to get our second healthy child (born in December 2012) . . . and while we had not shut the door on the idea of another pregnancy, we certainly were leaning in that direction. On August 8, 2014, we found out we are pregnant for the 7th time. A total surprise. So the neurotic journey continues . . . third child or fifth loss . . . I'm scared and confused and just a teensy bit excited . . .

Friday, September 26, 2014

Quick update

Well I'm still here and still pregnant.  Just checked in on the little peanut with the doppler and he/she is still thumping away at 170-180bpm.  I did end up having an ultrasound last week.  I just wanted to check on growth since the first measurement was small.  Our first u/s came up with a 6w6d measurement.  Our second u/s, exactly 2 weeks later, came up with 9w2d and a heart rate of 185bpm.  Phew.  

That was last week.  So I'm 10 1/2 weeks now.  I had my genetic bloodwork done earlier this week, and that should be back in the next week to 10 days.  And our nuchal translucency scan is on October 9th.

This is all still very surreal to me.  Except for the sickness and exhaustion - they remind me every.single.moment that I am, in fact, definitely pregnant.

Obviously, any number of things could still go very wrong . . . But with good growth as of last week and a strong thumping heartbeat as of 15 minutes ago, it feels like we may make it out of the first trimester . . . CRAZY!

Monday, September 15, 2014


Yep.  I did it.  I got a doppler.  I have been warned a million times over that the one time you don't hear the baby will be infinitely worse than any assurance it could ever provide.  I don't care.  There isn't much infinitely worse than waiting 4 weeks between appointments.

Baby was thumping away at 175bpm this morning!!!  

And now I don't have to obsess about whether or not I should call in a favor for getting an ultrasound to calm my anxiety this week.  (I can save that favor for when the doppler gives me a heart attack.)

Thursday, September 11, 2014

8ish weeks

How can it only be 8 weeks?  First trimester anxiety, plus brutal sickness, plus a baby who measured over a half a week smaller than I was expecting equals the first trimester that lasts FOREVER.

I suppose 8 weeks with no bleeding and still having tons of pregnancy symptoms is good.  I guess everything is still okay.  I guess.  I don't really think about it too often.  Just functioning well enough to make sure Boy 1 and Boy 2 are taken care of is about the extent of my functioning right now.  Makes it hard to worry about what may or may not be happening with Boy 3 or Girl 1.

Because I am old (aka - advanced maternal age), I am eligible for the Panorama blood test.  They basically take blood from me, and can spin out DNA from the baby.  We'll get a full report of genetic abnormalities and we'll find out the sex.  The test can be done at 9 weeks and results come in 7-10 days.  Crazy, right???  Not sure how I feel about knowing the sex of the baby so early.  I guess it either gives me PLENTY of time to buy lots of cute girl clothes . . . Or it gives me PLENTY of time to ponder how life will be with 3 boys and accept that there will never be a girl.  

Friday, September 5, 2014

Heartbeat and Zofran

I should have updated yesterday.  Our appointment went well for the most part. Baby has an amazing strong heartbeat of 144bpm.  But OF COURSE there is something to worry about.  Baby is measuring small - 6w6d.  Since I don't exactly know when I ovulated and there is a margin of error with measurements, no one seems concerned . . . Except me.  But it is what it is.  Nothing I can do to make the baby measure larger.  :/

And I almost cried like a baby when I begged for my Zofran.  I have never been this sick.  I need relief.  I just took my first one a couple hours ago and I'm feeling a lot better.  Still queasy, but survivable.  Phew.  

More updates to come.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


7w2d (based on LMP) and I basically want to curl up and disappear for at least the next 5 weeks - probably longer.

Boy 2 still nurses and sleeps like shit at 20 months old.  I'm exhausted.  Boy 1 is full of more energy than 10 children should have combined.  (Thank goodness he goes back to school next week.)  

I can't eat (thank you sickness).  I can't sleep (thank you insomnia and boy 2).  And apparently even when I'm not eating I can't even drop a few pounds (thank you bloating).

Ultrasound in just over 48 hours.  I truly have not even thought about it much.  I have two healthy boys.  Whatever happens on Thursday, we will get through it.  (Unless there is more than one baby in here.  I might not get through that.)