In other news, our anatomy scan went well. Baby boy is still a boy. He is only measuring about 4 days ahead of my due date - which is much smaller than my other boys have measured. This is a welcome change for me . . . Not worrying about a giant baby (at least not yet). I'm sure it's a function of my sickness and my own weight gain. Pretty sure I was up 15-20 pounds by the halfway point in my previous pregnancies (maybe more in my first). I'm currently hovering anywhere between +/- 3 for the entire pregnancy so far. Today was a bad puking day so I'm back down to -3.
All of my test results, including AFP which was abnormal in my last pregnancy, and the early glucose test have all been normal. So really there isn't baby monitoring to happen from here on out. Just normal appointments. Crazy, huh?
Damn, I wish I could just stop puking.