My first pregnancy got to 39w1d when my water broke. So with my last pregnancy, I was miserable at 36 weeks, but I was mentally prepared to go at least 3 more weeks. I was SHOCKED when my water broke early.
Now? Every day that passes, I'm convinced it *could* happen. And while,
Of course, it *could,* reality is that 36w2d was probably just a random fluke and I need to get in a mental place where I am prepared to go much closer to 3 more weeks than any day now.
Three weeks is not that long, right? Ha. It is going to be the longest 3 weeks of my life.
36 week appointment went well. (Never got to that appointment last time.) GBS test was done - should know results soon. Baby is still head down (and has been for 8 weeks now). Cervix is 1-2cm dilated and 50% effaced - which doesn't mean much except that I've made a teeny bit of progress that I won't have to make later.
Hemorrhoid surgeon appointment went well too. I now have weekly appointments with him to "manage" them (between now and delivery) with surgical removal tentatively planned for 12ish weeks post partum. Managing is not a glamorous process, so I'll leave out the details and just be thankful that the process is managing the pain.
OMG - 3 more weeks.