Hi, and welcome. This blog has changed a bit recently. My husband and I fought through 4 consecutive losses to get our second healthy child (born in December 2012) . . . and while we had not shut the door on the idea of another pregnancy, we certainly were leaning in that direction. On August 8, 2014, we found out we are pregnant for the 7th time. A total surprise. So the neurotic journey continues . . . third child or fifth loss . . . I'm scared and confused and just a teensy bit excited . . .

Thursday, October 11, 2012

25 Weeks

25 weeks!  13 1/2 inches long and 1 1/2 pounds.

I had grand plans of writing earlier today.  Of course I had grand plans to do a lot of things that didn't revolve around cleaning up after a sick dog.  The dog had other plans for me.

I had my 24 week appointment yesterday and everything seems to be going great.  Baby boy's heart beat was thumping away between 155-160 bpm, and just a day shy of 25 weeks my uterus is measuring 26 weeks . . . so all seems well in baby land.  How are things in mommy land?  Well I am gaining weight too rapidly, but my midwives are very understanding about there only being so much I can do about it.  Interestingly enough, he must have changed positions over night - because my belly was noticeably much flatter today than it has been in a while.  If I tried really hard to suck it in, I could almost pass for just fat instead of pregnant.  (And in case you missed the 24 week picture - that has NOT been the norm lately.)  Whatever part of him that has been protruding so much for the last week or two has moved around a bit - which is fine with me!  

We have an ultrasound a week from today to make sure everything is still going well.  I'm very excited to see him again.

How are things coming with that pesky nursery project?  Well, they are coming.  Again, I had plans for today to be a productive day and it was not.  And yesterday wasn't great either as a chunk of my day was taken up with my appointment.  The 2 dressers in the nursery have been completely emptied - with one box of stuff going to the trash, one box to Goodwill, one box to our basement for storage, and the rest of the stuff needing to find a new home in our other living spaces.  Unused/un-maximized space in my son's closet has been freed up, and everything that my husband had in the guest room closet will move to the extra space in my son's room (likely tomorrow).  My husband doesn't need his stuff that often, so having it in a room where a child sleeps is not an issue for him.  Unfortunately, the guest room closet happens to be my primary closet, so my stuff will have to come out and move to a closet in our room - a closet that currently has a lot of my husband's junk in it.  Sigh.  It feels like a lot of just moving stuff from here to there . . . but I suppose that's what happens when you add a new person who needs their own space.

I ordered all the fabrics I should need for the nursery for the most part and a couple new sewing accessories for some projects I hope to accomplish.  My mom is coming on Sunday and I really really really hope we are able to make next week MUCH more productive than this week has been.

My insomnia is back with a terrible vengeance and I am contemplating taking a benadryl here one night soon if it doesn't improve.  There is only so much sleep deprivation I can take right now.  I'm not a fan of medicating while pregnant - but I am getting desperate for just one night of solid decent sleep.  Oh and that TMI problem from yesterday - no progress . . .

I guess that's all for now . . . More to follow soon as I make more nursery progress and we have our ultrasound next week!

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