Hi, and welcome. This blog has changed a bit recently. My husband and I fought through 4 consecutive losses to get our second healthy child (born in December 2012) . . . and while we had not shut the door on the idea of another pregnancy, we certainly were leaning in that direction. On August 8, 2014, we found out we are pregnant for the 7th time. A total surprise. So the neurotic journey continues . . . third child or fifth loss . . . I'm scared and confused and just a teensy bit excited . . .

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Things I should know not to say...

I should know better, I really should. "I feel really good for 36 weeks." Someone slap me for saying that just 3 days ago.

If the next 3 weeks are as rough as the last 3 days, I'm in serious trouble. Up to pee 3-4 times a night. Hours rolling around in bed trying to get comfortable. Feeling like my pelvis is about to split in half. As yes. Thank goodness the countdown is down to days as opposed to weeks.

Now, the million dollar question - Do I want an internal exam tomorrow at my 36 week appointment? I have to have my GBS swab, so I'm sure they will offer me an exam. The problem is that I'm an information freak - the more information I have the better, BUT any dilation at this stage in the game means nothing at all. I could be 3cm and stay that way for weeks. I could have no progress and go into labor tomorrow night. So, do I want to know, just for the sake of knowing? We'll see. I'm thinking I'll probably want to know...

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