So 19 weeks. Really darn close to half way done. Our fruit this week is mango. LOL. Whatever. When we were talking about blueberries and limes I sort of had an idea. Now we go from onion to sweet potato to mango and in my mind, those aren't really a logical growth progression. Anyway. Baby should be about 6 inches long. I'm definitely feeling him/her move a lot more now. Still not big obvious movements, but if I'm quiet and I pay attention, it's happening a lot more frequently. Fetal movement is a wonderful WONDERFUL thing.
I've gained 4 pounds since my last freak out about weight, so in total I'm up 7. Not bad at all. (But don't expect these weight updates to continue when I inevitably blow up and gain 20 pounds in a week.) And my stomach, while still not protruding too much, is starting to fill out and get a bit rounder. When I'm lazy and slouching, I actually think I look almost pregnant and not just fat. When I stand up straight (like I do for my pictures), there still isn't much there, but at least I can see some growth since 17 weeks.
I think that's it for today. I'm just trying to find a way to pass the time until 1:30pm tomorrow. It's going to be a long and difficult couple of days.

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