Hi, and welcome. This blog has changed a bit recently. My husband and I fought through 4 consecutive losses to get our second healthy child (born in December 2012) . . . and while we had not shut the door on the idea of another pregnancy, we certainly were leaning in that direction. On August 8, 2014, we found out we are pregnant for the 7th time. A total surprise. So the neurotic journey continues . . . third child or fifth loss . . . I'm scared and confused and just a teensy bit excited . . .

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

It's been a hell of a year

November 14, 2011.  I knew the inevitable was coming.  We had been told almost a week earlier that our baby's heartbeat was gone.  I had been spotting for a couple days.  I was somewhere between numb and devastated and terrified, as I still had yet to go through the actual physical miscarriage.

I wrote this blog post exactly one year ago today.  That quote became the tag line for my entire blog.  "You are not sad just because of what you have lost but because of what will never be."

Being 30 weeks pregnant on this heartbreaking anniversary makes a lot of things better.  But that overwhelming sadness and devastation is still there.  The emotional pain.  The physical pain.  Some days it feels like it was a lifetime ago.  And then some days it still hurts like it was yesterday - in a way so deep it almost doesn't make sense.

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