Needless to say, when you ovulate somewhere between day 17-20, days 13-21 are pretty important for making an effort. So when all signs pointed towards O on CD 14, I felt like we really missed out on the opportunity this month. But here's where it gets more odd . . . I don't know when I ovulated and that, in the history of my charting, has never happened. And I am a control freak. I need to know exactly how many dpo I am, and the uncertainty is kinda making me nutty . . . even though I really do think we missed this month.
In an attempt to share my uncertainty with the world, here's what we have:
Possibility #1:

Based on the traditional fertility awareness method, I ovulated on CD 14. The traditional FAM relies primarily on temperatures (with CM factoring in a bit too) - and as soon as you have 3 temperatures that average out to being higher than the previous 6 temperatures, it is assumed that you have ovulated. I definitely had a temperature jump on CD 15 that maintained itself for 3 days before I started the progesterone.
Problems with this theory? I still had fertile CM the following day. Not nearly as much as I had on CD14, but it was still there. And the OPK I had on CD14 was insanely dark . . . and that usually happens 12-36 hours before ovulation.
Possibility #2:

Based strictly on ovulation predictor kits, I would have ovulated approximately 24 hours after my first positive OPK making ovulation on CD 15.
Problems with this theory? Well OPKs are only indicators that ovulation may be about to occur. The only real way to confirm that it did occur is with temperatures and this method doesn't factor in temperatures at all.
Possibility #3:

This is based on very new technology on the website using their latest up-and-coming algorithms. It is supposed to factor in all signs of fertility AND use more "beta type" algorithms that haven't fully been rolled out to their main method of calculation. According to this I ovulated on CD 16. I definitely did have a temperature jump on CD17 that was also before I started progesterone.
Problems with this theory? Well my OPK the day before was negative, and you wouldn't get a negative OPK the day before ovulation and a positive OPK 2 days before ovulation.
Possibility #4:

This is based on the standard algorithm that they strongly recommend everyone use for their calculations. According to this I ovulated on CD 17.
Problems with this theory? Their calculator is CLEARLY on crack of some sort. The only thing I can reason is that they are putting a heavy weighting on my ovulation history. My positive OPK was 3 days before that, I had a negative OPK 2 days before. I also had a break in my fertile CM. Now I realize having fertile CM on CD 17 could be causing this interpretation, but I have that after ovulation in most of my cycles. Also, let's look at the temperatures. My CD 18, my temps had been climbing for DAYS. I find this theory slightly stupid.
What does this all mean? I dunno. I'm somewhere between 6-8dpo right now. I'm completely ruling out option 4 - I know my body and that's not possible. I guess I'll say I'm 7dpo. The OPK and the sore boobs would strongly lean towards theory #2 and that puts me right in the middle of the other options.
But man, oh man. What a weird freakin month.
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