If you saw yesterday's post, the tick is off. Not without a ridiculous amount of drama and 3 1/2 hours at an urgent care clinic because the head broke off. I'll spare you the details, yesterday sucked. On top of it all, I had the most incompetent doctor at the urgent care clinic who couldn't tell me what to do. She was like, well I can give you an antibiotic, but I don't feel strongly either way if you take it or not. Um, what? Thanks, that's clear guidance. Obviously I'll ask my midwife about it tomorrow. Based on "Dr. Google" it doesn't sound like I'm an appropriate candidate for proactive treatment of Lyme Disease, so if my midwife is as perplexed as this "doctor" I saw yesterday I guess I'm not going to take the meds.
Other than that, things are going along okay. 8 weeks pregnant today. Baby should be the size of a raspberry. Still feeling pretty gross most of the time, but it's definitely the type of sickness that's bearable.
I was cleaning out the bathroom this weekend and came across an old box of pregnancy tests about to expire. So of course instead of throwing them away, I did a science experiment. (Weird, I know.) I'll try to post my results of testing out the "hook effect" sometime later this week.
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