Hi, and welcome. This blog has changed a bit recently. My husband and I fought through 4 consecutive losses to get our second healthy child (born in December 2012) . . . and while we had not shut the door on the idea of another pregnancy, we certainly were leaning in that direction. On August 8, 2014, we found out we are pregnant for the 7th time. A total surprise. So the neurotic journey continues . . . third child or fifth loss . . . I'm scared and confused and just a teensy bit excited . . .

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

I LOVE my midwives!

Today's appointment started out a little bit rough with a brand new and VERY young nurse. She didn't know what progesterone was or why a pregnant person would be on it?!?!?! She didn't know if my records had been faxed over from my RE?!?!?! And she asked me if this was my first pregnancy?!?!?! Very very clearly she had not looked at my chart at all before calling me back. Which was fine, she was super young and very nervous.

The first thing the MW did when she walked in was apologize - the nurse is actually a nurse intern for the Summer. No worries, it was just awkward.

My MW is FREAKIN wonderful. She talked me through everything she reviewed that was faxed over from the RE. She said everything looked wonderful. My last beta was 70,000 which I sort of wish I didn't know. She reassured me that doubling time is much much slower when numbers get this high.

She told me she wasn't going to give me the first appointment song and dance which I really appreciated because I have been through that way too many times now. We did talk about a few things:

1) The tick. She could not believe my luck of being bitten by a deer tick in the first trimester of pregnancy (again). When she asked if it was a deer tick and I said yes, "SHIT!" actually came flying out of her mouth. And then she apologized profusely for the unprofessional nature of that response. No apology needed. Her assessment: There is no known risk of taking Ceftin during pregnancy - it is considered "safe," and there is known benefit of starting antibiotics within 72 hours of tick removal to be extremely proactive. However, she also thinks that if we start the antibiotic in a week (we should have the tick report back by then) that we are still well ahead of the curve when it comes to treatment of possible Lyme exposure and with my history, she would not take the antibiotic without KNOWN exposure to Lyme disease. She said that's her gut instinct, and that from a strict medical standpoint either option would be okay. Her instinct matches my instinct, so I'm not taking the meds unless the tick comes back positive for Lyme.

2) Progesterone. Will stay on it until the 12th or 13th week.

3) Vaccines. I am almost positive I am behind on my DTaP vaccine and want to make sure that's in my records. Obviously we won't do that now. She said sometime well after 20 weeks would be fine.

4) Monitoring. She wasn't going to suggest it, but I'm glad I spoke up and asked. I point blank asked if we could make any argument to have an ultrasound between now and the NT scan (at 12 weeks). Without hesitation she said, "Absolutely yes! Pick a day." So on Thursday of next week we will get one more peak. I'm nervous about it already.

5) Due date. WTF? How freakin hard is it to calculate a due date??? My RE estimated 1/20/13 based on ultrasounds. Based on LMP and every single online calculator I can find I calculate 1/22/13. And my midwives' calculator comes up with 1/24/13. It doesn't matter. They are all guesses anyway. For now, in my head I'm sticking with 1/22. It's in between the 2 estimates. From my midwives' perspective, I'm happy if they want to go with 1/24/13. It buys me a couple of extra days without induction in case the baby wants to show up fashionably late.

Overall a very nice appointment. She kept telling me over and over and over again how excited and hopeful she is, and I'm so glad she really tailored the appointment to not make it a complete waste of my time today. :)

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